This has made me wonder why others don't build one of their own? I know it can seem to be a huge and expensive undertaking, but it doesn't have to be. For years, I have seen many families use simple materials from Home Depot or Lowe's to make a small pvc framework for a "Florida-friendly" backyard sukkah. There are lots of websites (below) and even some creative ideas on Pinterest that can help too. This can be a another great way for you and your children to do something TOGETHER in this new year. How about using a large cardboard box to make an indoor playhouse sukkah for your next play date? Or, making a dollhouse sukkah from a small box? All I am saying is, however you decide to build it, I promise, if you build it, they will come and YOU will be glad you did!
Information about local Sukkot events:
CJE Online Calendar of Events.
Sukkah Building/Purchasing Resources:
Fun Sukkot Ideas:
General Information about Sukkot: