I often read and hear about "building Jewish Community", but what does this mean? Does this mean building a place where all Jews come together to pray? Socialize? Meet? Discuss? Learn? Perhaps all of these and more. But what I am seeing more and more as I reach out, connect, and get to know our Jewish families in the Greater Palm beaches is that, while everyone is worried about building this place or places for the Jews, something already exists---here, in the great, big virtual world.
There are Jewish events and activities listed on calendars, webpages full of worship listings and Jewish educational links galore. You can take Jewish college ocurses online and even learn to play Jewish music. Social media allows us to reconnect with friends from Jewish camps, Jewish day schools, and youth groups. Baby pictures are shared, play dates and girls night out planned and recipes are swapped.
The naysayers would argue that an online community is not the same, as when pepople meet in person and I do agree. But, when we look at how Jewish families use the worldwide web to learn about and to connect to their local Jewish community, we can agree that there is something there. Nothing, of course, can replace a syanagogue sanctuary, a JCC gymnasium, or a school classroom. What I am saying is that now we have even more ways to be "Jewish" and to better ourselves.
So whether you enter a Jewish online parenting chat site, or participate in a Temple committee, or give to a Jewish organization (this can be done online too!), or provide your child with a Jewish education, realize that this is ALL part of your "building" a Jewish community.