Here is where I will chat about the things we can all do each day to live a Jewish Life while raising young children.....it's not as hard as you think.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Hanukkah Appreciation

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Just Say Shal-oooohhhm!

I am in the final stretch of preparations for our four sessions of the Shabbat Ima workshops. So basically, I have been doing nothing but thinking about Shabbat for the past few weeks. I've been scanning the survey results from moms telling me what they want to learn about Shabbat, how they want their family experience to be and also their absolute fears about how to make this happen.
This has really challenged me to step outside my box and to see Shabbat from a different perspective. Throwing together a Shabbat experience for my family (no matter how brief) may come easy for me, but may be completely daunting for others. So, my challenge has been, how do I create a workshop that is non-threatening, informative and fun for women at all different levels of comfort? How do I bring to the room the excitement I feel about Shabbat and what it can do for a family? How do I empower these women to take home just ONE new idea and try it out? After much thougth and planning, I think I have found the way, I am excited about meeting these fabulous women who have already registered for a workshop. Who knows? maybe I'll even make some new friends along the way........ Have YOU signed up yet? Call today at me 209.2608.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Enjoyable High Holiday Services for Your Family
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Back To School and Shul?

Friday, May 22, 2009
Shavuot- A FUN holiday for Kids!

Sunday, May 17, 2009
"How To Talk to Your Children About G-d"- The Cliff Notes

- One parent was scared of her child's question: "How could G-d let my "grandma" or "dog" die?". One way to address this would be to explain to the child that G-d works through people and people did the best they could.
- Another question was, "How could G-d let the Holocaust happen?". Joel responded with some useful answers to this questions. One was, "G-d did stop the Holocaust, with people, but it took longer than we wanted". Another was, " The Holocaust is really a question about people, not about G-d. Few were guilty and many were responsible."
- The next question from kids that parents were scared of was, "How do we know there is a G-d?" To this, Joel asked the parents to think about their own answer to this question. He even asked us to categorize our responses into some typical trains of thought: 1. There is no G-d. 2. We can feel G-d inside of us. 3. We can see G-d in nature. 4. We just have to believe. We discussed how we each could relate to these responses (not one is right or wrong) and use them to discuss G-d with our kids. After our discussion, Joel said that sometimes it may be helpful to describe G-d in this way to young kids (and I LOVED this one): G-d is like the WIND. You can't see the wind, you can't draw the wind, but you can see and draw what the wind (G-d) does.
Finally, we discussed that idea that if parents act as if there is a G-d by bringing G-d into your home with "Jewish Stuff" then they kids will start to get a feel for G-d. Put up a mezuzah, may be a lower hung one at child height for the kids. Acknowledge the mezuzah, touch and kiss your hand as you enter the house or room, let your kids know that this sends the message that G-d wants our house to be a place of peace and understanding.
There were so many more thoughts and ideas on this topic to discuss, but we ran out of time. I hope these notes can help you begin a dialog in your home. I plan on purchasing the above mentioned books for myself. I will let you know how I use them and what I found helpful. As always, feel free to contact me with ideas, thoughts and questions of your own about this or any other Jewish family topic.
Thinking about you and G-d,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Sizzlin' Summer Shabbats
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Cooking Ideas, Substitutions & Dessert Recipes for Passover

Passover delights
Passover dessert tips and tricks
Here are some useful tips and tricks for Passover dessert baking from Chef Rebecca Guralnick of Cooking with Chef Becca in Bayside ( chefbecca@sbcglobal.net). Guralnick teaches international cooking classes at Whole Foods, through the Nicolet School District's recreation department and at the Jewish Community Center.
When you bake with matzo flour or farfel, opt for the whole-wheat version, and be sure to balance your diet with plenty of fruits (fresh or dried), vegetables and water.
Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables in baked goods. Try using apple sauce, blueberry puree, mashed avocado, carrot, squash or sweet potato puree as substitutes for some or all of the oil in a recipe (as a general rule, you can use ½ cup of fruit puree or ¾ cup vegetable puree to replace one cup of butter or margarine in baked goods, or ¾ cup fruit puree and 1 cup vegetable puree per cup of oil).
Lighten up the cholesterol if you wish by substituting two egg whites for each=2 0whole egg.
For healthier desserts, stick to fresh fruit salads and kebabs, or make fruit cobblers with crumbled nut and whole-wheat farfel streusel topping. Alternately, homemade fruit sorbets - such as banana and strawberry - are always a crowd pleaser. Use these to make a Passover sundae bar for the kids.
For an elegant dessert, serve chocolate fondue with assorted fruit, dried fruit and kosher-for-Passover marshmallows for dippers. Alternatively, flourless chocolate cake is a timeless classic and freezes very well. Serve it with fresh fruit and a dollop of honey-sweetened minted yogurt or kosher-for-Passover whipped cream.
For easy after-school sweet treats, freeze chocolate-dipped bananas on a Popsicle stick.
Opt for healthy fats in your cooking and baking. Olive oil is best, but you can find many oils that are kosher for Passover, including safflower, walnut and vegetable. Note that canola oil is not permissible.
Use almond flour as a flavorful and healthy substitute for regular flour. Likewise, use almond butter in place of peanut butter (which is prohibited among Ashkenazic Jews).
Quinoa, a grain-like product with a high amino acid (protein) content, is accepted by many Jews as kosher for Passover and also can be used as a flour substitute (please check with your own rabbi if you are unsure). Check for quinoa-based dessert recipes online.
Add lots of flavor to your baked goods. Use citrus zest to offset bland Passover cakes and co okies. Vanilla is not an option during Passover, but you can use artificial vanilla powder in your recipes. Incorporate interesting sweet spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg.
Don't attempt to freeze a dessert with meringue or a custardy filling that is heavy in eggs to make up for the lack of flour. It will become soggy and weepy.
Have fun trying new recipes and techniques during Passover. Nobody likes eating the same Passover recipes year after year and you just might surprise yourself with a new hit!
Passover Substitutions
Cookbook author and kosher food writer Eileen Goltz has compiled a list of ingredient substitutions so mainstream recipes can be converted for Passover meals. Here, only ingredients that pertain to baking are listed:
1 ounce baking chocolate (unsweetened chocolate) = 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder plus 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or melted margarine
16 ounces semi-sweet chocolate = 6 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder plus ¼ cup vegetable oil and 7 tablespoons granulated sugar
14 ounces sweet chocolate (German's) = 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder plus 2 2/3 tablespoons oil and 4½ tablespoons granulated sugar
1 cup powdered sugar = 1 cup granulated sugar minus 1 tablespoon sugar pl us 1 tablespoon potato starch pulsed in a food processor or blender
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk for dairy baking = 1 tablespoon lemon juice in a 1 cup measure, then fill to 1 cup with Passover non-dairy creamer. Stir and steep 5 minutes.
Butter in baking or cooking: Use pareve Passover margarine in equal amounts. Use a bit less salt.
1 cup honey = 1 ¼ cups granulated sugar plus ¼ cup water
1 cup corn syrup = 1 ¼ cups granulated sugar plus 1/3 cup water, boiled until syrupy
1 cup vanilla sugar = 1 cup granulated sugar with 1 split vanilla bean left for at least 24 hours in a tightly covered jar
1 cup flour = 5/8 cup matzo cake meal or potato starch, or a combination sifted together
1 tablespoon flour = ½ tablespoon potato starch
1 cup cornstarch = 7/8 cup potato starch
1 teaspoon cream of tarter= 1 ½ teaspoons lemon juice or 1 ½ teaspoons vinegar
1 cup graham cracker crumbs = 1 cup ground cookies or soup nuts plus 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup bread crumbs = 1 cup matzo meal
1 cup (8 ounces) cream cheese = 1 cup cottage cheese pureed with ¼ cup butter or pareve Passover margarine
1 cup milk (for baking) = 1 cup water plus 2 tablespoons pareve Passover margarine, or ½ cup fruit juice plus ½ cup water
1¼ cups sweetened condensed milk = 1 cup instant non-fat dry milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1/3 cup boiling wa ter and 3 tablespoons margarine. Blend ingredients until smooth. To thicken, let set in refrigerator 24 hours.
1 cup wine = 13 tablespoons water, 3 tablespoons lemon juice and 1 tablespoon sugar. Mix together and let sit 10 minutes.
Eggs: Passover egg substitutes don't work quite as well as the chometz egg substitutes. For kugels, matzo balls, fried matzo and some cakes, the recipes would probably be OK. However, if you want to avoid them, add one extra egg white and ½ teaspoon vegetable oil for each yolk eliminated when baking. Use only egg whites as the dipping to coat and fry meats.
How many great desserts can you think of that aren't made with flour, baking powder or even dairy products?
The answer is: However many great desserts a Jewish kosher cook can serve for Passover meals while still following the dietary laws for this particular holiday, which begins April 8 and ends after sundown April 16.
All too often, kosher cooks limit their Passover desserts to 10- to 12-egg sponge cakes, flourless chocolate cakes, or fudgy brownies made with matzo cake meal for leavening.
"When you use matzo meal, it's a very heavy ingredient, so it's hard to get a dessert that isn't a door stop," said Eileen Goltz, author of the cookbook, "Perfectly Pareve" (Feldheim, 2001, $22.99) and a Chicago-based freelance kosher food writer.
"You tend to look for simplicity," she said. "You go with desserts that are beautiful, like sponge cake with fresh fruit or a glaze. Chocolate often is used because it masks the taste of matzo."
Keeping the dietary laws in mind - and the varying degrees of kosher observance among Jews - we posed a Passover Dessert Challenge asking readers to give us their best Passover dessert recipes.
We received about two dozen entries: bars and brownies, flourless chocolate cakes, tortes, rhubarb-apple crisp, sponge cake and macaroons. The winners were selected based on testing results of 10 recipes that either were classics with a unique twist or refreshingly different. Members of the food staff picked winners through a blind taste test.
Enid Barnes of Shorewood submitted the first-, second- and fourth-place winners.
Her first-prize recipe is a tart with a chocolate-laced meringue shell filled with a lemon curd-style filling. Barnes' second-place recipe is a dense, moist blondie brownie. Taking fourth was her fudgy brownie with a decadent, coffee-infused glossy frosting garnished with fresh strawberries.
Third place went to Toby Colton of Glendale for her strikingly simple, delicious macaroons.
Growing up, Barnes said, her family did not keep kosher, except during Passover, when they would use kosher-for-Passover ingredients.
Many Jews who don't keep kosher the rest of the year make a special effort during Passover.
Making sure food is kos her for Passover is more difficult than during the rest of the year because many of the ingredients routinely used and produced under kosher supervision are not kosher for Passover, according to the Web site, http://www.kashrut.com/.
Nothing can be used during Passover that contains barley, wheat, rye, oats or spelt, except for matzo and matzo meal products, which are made with flour and water mixed together and allowed to sit for less than 18 minutes before cooking - all under the supervision of a rabbi.
The time element attached to matzo commemorates the haste with which the children of Israel left Egypt when they were freed from slavery more than 3,000 years ago under the leadership of Moses. There wasn't time for their bread to rise, so they took unleavened bread with them.
Unleavened bread, called matzo, became a primary symbol of the Passover holiday, which marks the birth of Jews as a people. While many Jews love eating matzo with every Passover meal, its extremely low fiber content can wreak havoc on the digestive system and pack on the Passover pounds, said Chef Rebecca Guralnick of Cooking with Chef Becca in Bayside (chefbecca@sbcglobal.net).
Jewish people are required to eat matzo as a ritual food during the Passover Seder, but they are not obligated to eat matzo, or any of its derivatives (matzo meal, farfel, ma tzo flour, etc.) for the rest of the Passover week, Guralnick said.
Matzo flour takes the place of regular wheat flour because all foods that are fermented or leavened are prohibited during Passover.
Baking without flour can be a challenge for a couple of reasons, Guralnick said. The kosher-for-Passover flour substitute affects the flavor, density and appearance of desserts. Traditionally, Passover bakers use a combination of matzo flour and/or potato starch in place of flour, Guralnick said.
Also, "you really start to miss those yummy carbohydrate snacks and desserts that you enjoy the rest of the year," she said.
Passover desserts have improved greatly through the years because better-tasting kosher-for-Passover ingredients, such as whipped topping, have become available, Barnes said.
Those who keep kosher in the strictest sense also do not eat meat and milk in the same meal.
Though depending on where one's ancestors are from, one could wait a certain number of hours between the meat course and dessert, and still have a dessert that included a dairy product.
Kosher-for-Passover margarine provides kosher cooks with a non-dairy substitute for butter.
"One of the nice things about dessert is you don't have a lot of it," said Goltz, the kosher food writer. "You want something special to end your evening with, but it's usually late and a Seder meal is heavy, so you want something light."
A c ommon mistake of inexperienced Jewish cooks is to add too much matzo meal or matzo cake meal to a dessert.
"It turns out so hard, it sits in the stomach for days," Goltz said.
"A perfect tart for Passover," Enid Barnes of Shorewood, winner of the Passover Dessert Challenge, says of this Lemon Mousse Tart, a recipe she attributes to cookbook author Lucy Waverman of Toronto.
If you want to make this recipe for non-Passover meals, replace the potato starch with regular cornstarch. In either case, do not fill the shell until a few hours before serving. Though it's called mousse, the lemon filling is more like a curd.
Special kosher-for-Passover ingredients found in these recipes can be purchased at the Kosher Meat Klub Supermarket at 4731 W. Burleigh St., which is open Sunday through Friday. Hours are 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday and Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Some more common ingredients, such as matzo meal and potato starch, are available in many supermarkets.
Passover Floating Lemon Mousse Tart
Makes 8 servings
4 egg whites
¾ cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice½ cup grated semi-sweet or bittersweet baking chocolate or kosher-for- Passover baking chocolate
Lemon filling (see recipe )
Passover whipped topping (optional)Favorite berries for garnish (optional)
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Beat egg whites with electric mixer until frothy. Slowly add sugar. Continue to beat until egg whites are thick and glossy and form stiff peaks when beaters are lifted.
Beat in lemon juice. Gently fold in grated chocolate.
Spoon mixture onto large piece of parchment paper and spread into a 10-inch circle with 2-inch-high sides. It should resemble a free-form pie shell.
Bake in preheated oven 1½ to 2 hours or until barely browned and dry. Turn oven off and leave in oven about 4 hours to cool. Remove shell from parchment paper and place on serving plate.
A few hours before serving, spoon filling into shell.
Top with kosher-for-Passover whipped topping, if desired, or with your favorite berries.
Lemon filling:
3 whole eggs
½ cup granulated sugar½ cup plus 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
2 tablespoons potato starch1 cup water
In saucepan, whisk together the whole eggs, add sugar, lemon juice and lemon rind. In separate bowl, combine potato starch and wate r, then stir into lemon mixture. Bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly.
Remove from heat and pour through a strainer into a separate bowl. Cool.
Enid Barnes also submitted the recipe that earned second place in our tasting, a rich bar with a smooth caramel taste. Similarly, cornstarch can be substituted for potato starch, if desired.
This recipe originally came from cookbook author Marcy Goldman of Montreal.
Passover BlondiesMakes 30 to 40 bars
1 ½ cups packed brown sugar
¼ cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon kosher-for- Passover vanilla sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter or kosher-for-Passover margarine
2 eggs½ teaspoon salt
1 cup matzo cake meal
1 cup potato starch
1 cup coarsely chopped semi-sweet chocolate, chocolate chips or kosher-for-Passover chocolate chips1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line an 8-by-10-inch brownie pan with foil; spray foil with non-stick oil. Leave enough foil overhang to lift out the blondie after it's baked.
In large mixing bowl, cream the brown, granulated and vanilla sugars with the butter or margarine.
Blend in eggs. Stir in salt, cake meal and potato starch. Fold in chocolate and, if using, nuts. Chill batter 20 minutes.
Spread or press batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven 35 to 40 minutes, or until center is just set, not jiggly.
Cool well. Use the foil to lift blondies from pan. Cut into serving-size squares.
"This is an absolutely fabulous Passover macaroon recipe," said Toby Colton of Glendale. "You will probably never want to eat canned macaroons again.
"They are best eaten soon after they are made, when the outside is crispy and the insides are tender," she said. "But they can easily be made several days ahead and kept covered until it's time to serve them."
Colton adapted a recipe from a friend to make two varieties of macaroons from one can of sweetened condensed milk: one regular, the other almond-flavored. Most people prefer the almond, she said.
"I use the almonds with skins on, and that gives them a speckled look that differentiates the almond macaroons from the vanilla."
Passover Macaroons
(Regular and Almond)Makes 6 to 8 dozen
5 cups unsweetened finely shredded dried coconut (divided)
1 cup white chocolate chips or kosher-for- Passover white chocolate chips (divided)1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk (divided) (see note)
2 teaspoons double-strength Madagascar v anilla extract (divided)
1 cup ground almonds (see note)½ teaspoon almond extract (add more if your whole almonds do not have a strong flavor)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
To make regular macaroons: In medium bowl, place 3 cups coconut.
In small saucepan over low heat, gently melt ½ cup of the white chocolate chips.
Add 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk and stir, removing from burner.
Add 1 teaspoon of the vanilla and stir.
Add to coconut and mix well.
Drop a well-rounded teaspoon of the mixture onto the parchment, using a second spoon to push the mixture off the first spoon.
No need to leave a lot of space between cookies; they do not spread.
With wet fingers, pat down the tops a little so they don't get too brown.
Or, use a small cookie scoop of 2 teaspoons.
Bake in preheated oven 9 minutes or until very lightly browned.
To make almond macaroons: In same bowl, place remaining 2 cups coconut and mix with ground almonds.
In small saucepan over low heat, gently melt remaining ½ cup white chocolate chips.
Add remaining 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milkand stir, removing from burner. Add remaining 1 teaspoon vanilla and the almond extract. Stir.
Drop dough as before onto parchment-lined cookie sheet.
Each flavor of macaroons makes 3 to 4 dozen cookies.
Note: This is a dairy recipe.
Note: Process 1 cup whole almonds in food processor with metal blade until very fine, but not to a butter consistency.
These are decadent brownies - fudgy and dense - and they are one of Enid Barnes' most requested recipes.
Like the blondies, the recipe originally came from cookbook author Marcy Goldman of Montreal.
They can be made in an 8- or 9-inch springform pan or a square baking pan. Display them on a cake plate.
I Can't Believe These Are Passover Brownies
Makes about 20 brownies
2 cups granulated or packed brown sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter or kosher-for-Passover margarine, melted and cooled
3 eggs
1 tablespoon brewed coffee
¾ cup sifted unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon salt1 scant cup matzo cake meal
½ cup finely chopped toasted walnuts (optional)
2/3 cup water or brewed coffee
7 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, coarsely-chopped or kosher-for-Passover semi-sweet chocolate (can be chocolate chips)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter or kosher-for-Passover margarine, room temperature
Finely chopped nuts (optional)Whole strawberries< /TR>
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly grease a 10-by-7-inch rectangular baking pan, 9-inch square pan, or 8- or 9-inch springform pan.
In large mixing bowl, mix sugar into melted butter or margarine, then add eggs, coffee, cocoa, salt, cake meal and, if using, toasted walnuts.
Spoon batter into prepared pan and bake in preheated oven about 25 minutes. Do not overbake. Brownies should be set and seem dry to the touch, but there should not be a crust around the sides. Cool in pan.
Prepare frosting. In small saucepan, heat water or coffee. As it comes to a boil, reduce heat and stir in chopped chocolate.
Remove pan from stove and stir until chocolate is thoroughly melted. Cool in refrigerator about 30 minutes.
Whisk in softened butter or margarine and spread frosting on top of cooled brownies. Decorate as desired. Cut into squares (if baked in a square pan) or wedges (if baked in a springform).
To garnish, place strawberries, one on each brownie square, with narrow ends pointing upward. Or, place strawberries in a concentric circle over top, or in another arrangement.
This came to me from an extraordinary person: Janie GrackinJewish Storyteller/Family Educator3500 Whitehall Drive #202West Palm Beach, FL 33401(561) 712-1674Bjanie@aol.com
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Easy Passover Recipes
Main Dish:
Balsamic Chicken
Serves 4, can be doubled
4 large boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cleaned
in a bowl, mix the following with a fork:
3-4 scallions, chopped
1/2 c vegetable oil
3 T Kosher for Passover (K for P) ketchup
3 T sugar
1/4 c Balsamic vinegar
1 t dry mustard (if you don't have K for P, can be omitted)
Salt & Pepper
Pour this mixture over the clean chicken in a greased glass dish, cover and let marinate in refrigerator (minimum an hour, up to 4 hours). Take out about 15 minutes before cooking.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Bake for 25-30 minutes (depends how thick your chcicken breasts are). Serve on platter, reserving sauce in pan to pour over at the table.
Side Dish:
Carrot Souffle- Can be made PARVE or DAIRY, kids love this one!
1 stick butter or margarine room temp.
1 lb. cooked carrots (steam until tender)
1/2 c brown sugar
1 t vanilla
dash cinnamon
3 eggs
Place butter in food processor. Add carrots while HOT. Begin to process add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Process until all ingrediients are well blended. Pour into greased 1 1/2 qt. casserole dish. bake at 350 degrees fro 45 minutes.
Cook's Notes:
”Can be made into indiviual ramakins, adjust cooking
Chocolate Mousse
7 oz. semi sweet or bitter sweet chocolate, chopped or chips
1/4 c sweet red wine
1 T unsalted margarine
4 large eggs, separated
1 T sugar
Whipped dessert topping if desired
In a medium bowl (or large if doubling recipe), melt chocolate with the wine over a pan of hot water on medium heat. Remove from pan and stir until smooth. Stir in margarine, then add egg yolks one by one, stirring vigorously after each addition. Beat egg whites until stiff with a hand mixer. . Beat in sugar and continue beating for 30 second or until whites are very shiny. Quickly fold 1/4 of the whites in chocolate mixture. The gently fold in the remaining whites. Pour into 4 dessert dishes, cover and chill for at least 2 hours before serving. Can be kept for 2 days covered in the refrigerator. Serve with whipped topping and garnish if desired.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Is it really Passover time?
I know we are all worried about the kids at the Seder table. Will they behave? Will they embarrass you? What can you do to prepare them? These are valid concerns, but when looked at in a different light and when expectations are realistic, in addition to some preparation, a Seder can be a joyful experience that you and your children will talk about all year.
There are so many great resources out there for parents these days: online chat rooms about Passover, books for children (I recommend No Matzoh for Me by Nancy E. Krulik) and even a downloadable (is that a word?) 30 Minute Seder Haggadah whose testimonials claim to “save Passover” by blending tradition with brevity. I also like this easy-to-use online guide for a Developmentally Appropriate Passover Seder: for children ages 4 & 5 put out by the URJ. There are helpful tips in this article online called, “Sedering with Kids”. The photo in this blog, is a great creative example of a Passover nametags from “midorionna on Flickr”.
These are all great places to start. And starting early is the key. Begin talking with your children about the upcoming holiday in language and on a level they understand. Take out Passover children’s books from the public library and read them nightly for the weeks leading up to the holiday. Download free Passover coloring pages from the internet and hang them around your home. When the big night(s) come, assign jobs for the kids at the Seder: passing out of the kippot, serving the matzoh, going to wash their hands, opening the door for Elijah, etc. These will all get the kids focused on a task and take them out of their seats enough so that they won’t get fidgety during the Seder.
Seat the children with the adults. I have found that creating a “kids table” is nothing more than asking for trouble. Invest in some on the table distractions (a bag of plagues toys or finger puppets of the Seder plate objects) and incorporate them into your Seder meal. Use your child’s favorite Passover book to tell the story of the Exodus instead of the one in your own Haggadah. Most importantly, if you are excited, the kids will be excited. Passover is a totally interactive experience for the whole family to treasure.